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Showing posts from May, 2012

Family Camping at Lane Cove National Park Sydney

Keluarga kami & tenda kesayangan di Lane Cove NP. Foto oleh Radityo Widiatmojo Ternyata pengalaman dua kali kemah dengan keluarga dan teman-teman di Sydney tidak membuat kami kapok, malah ketagihan. Untuk kemah ketiga kali ini kami memilih mendirikan tenda di lokasi yang dekat saja dengan kota, yaitu di Lane Cove National Park . Lokasi Taman Nasional Lane Cove ini dekat sekali dengan pusat kota Sydney, hanya 11 km ke arah barat laut kota. Lane Cove bisa dicapai dengan mobil atau dengan naik kendaraan umum. Stasiun kereta terdekat dari Lane Cove adalah North Ryde. Banyak kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan di Lane Cove yang merupakan paru-paru kota Sydney, antara lain: bushwalking (trekking), bird-watching, piknik, barbekyu, bersepeda atau aktivitas sungai seperti naik perahu, kayak atau kano. Untuk masuk ke taman nasional ini dikenakan biaya $7 per mobil. Di dalam Lane Cove tersedia fasilitas bangku piknik dan tempat-tempat yang bisa disewa untuk mengadakan gathering. Ada juga persewaan ...

[Big A Journal] Tasmania - Day 3

Me couldn't put my book down at Salamanca Square Today was the last full day I have at Hobart. Tomorrow my Dad will rent a car and we will drive to Cradle Mountain. My Mum said we would be doing the laundry today. So at 8 o'clock My Mum, Sister and I go to a place call Salamanca Square. My Mum likes walking on outings, but she likes statues even more. She would stop and look at a statue even though it might look like a 'kompos'. My Sister likes walking on outings too. She always likes running and jumping, skipping and all those kind of stuff. Myself on the other hand don't like outings. I would rather sit in bed and read a book all day. But I don't have a book at the moment (I finished one before I went to the holiday). And we have to do the laundry before tomorrow.  Halfway on our trip it started to rain. My Mum tried to make Ayesha (my sister) go faster. Mum had no luck. I tried next (I am better at this than My Mum). I whispered that we were going to the Fair...